Wednesday, January 5, 2011


By eating a diet containing raw organic fruits and vegetables, you can help protect your body from chronic diseases as well as adding a number of health benefits. Try to incorporate a wide variety of raw vegetables, fruits and nuts into your daily diet. By doing so, you will derive the optimum amount of vitamins, minerals and phyto nutrients(plant derived nutrients)from the food that you are eating. When you eat raw protein sources, such as avocados, mushrooms and nuts, your body is able to assimilate the amino acids much more efficiently because they're not destroyed by heat. Once vegatables are cooked over 130 degrees, you are destroying most of the vitamins and nutrients. Try having an apple with some raw almonds or adding some mixed berries in your oatmeal or plain greek yogurt in the morning. For lunch, I try to substitute spinach and kale instead of lettuce for my salads for an added boost of Iron. For a snack try organic carrots, broccoli, cucumbers and celery with some hummus or almond butter. Here is a list of some fruits and vegetables that contain high amounts of Iron, vitamin C and K as well as high quality protein: spinach ,green beans,kale, broccoli,cucumber, radishes, beats,squash, celery, tomatoes, red and orange peppers, mushrooms and dark leaf lettuce, apples, blueberries, grapes, plums, grapefruit, strawberries, raspberries, blackberries and pears.

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